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Non-Disposable Wipes

That’s how much is annually used if every household in Canada uses 5 disinfectant wipes per month.

And that’s not the scary part

We’re leading the way

We want to provide a solution that addresses sustainability, not avoid it. By investing in Bamboo materials and organic plant enzymes, we allow the products to be absorbed by our planet when finished.

From Bamboo to Dirt
In 3 Years.

Bamboo can grow to full size in just 3 months and 3 feet tall within 24 hours. There's also no pesticide or chemicals needed for the plant to thrive.

Bamboo is often named the new “green steel” with homes now being built entirely from this robust plant.

Bamboo fibres are naturally anti-bacterial thanks to its substance called “bamboo kun”. The plant developed this organic defence mechanism to prevent bacteria and microbes from growing on it.

Bamboo forests absorb 2X more carbon dioxide than trees and generated 30% more oxygen than most plants and trees.

But what's so bad about
other solutions on the market.

Today's disinfectant sprays and wipes are made up
of harmful synthetic chemicals (some even tell you to
wash your hands after use). Here are few common
ingredients that are listed on the back of these.

This substance is corrosive to the eyes and may cause skin imitation to the skin. Repeated or prolonged contact with skin may cause dermatitis.

Alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride-02

This substance has been labelled by the environmental working guidelines having “some concern” for developmental and reproductive toxicity.

Didecyldimethylammonium chloride-03

Known to cause dermal effects such as rashes, burning sensation and respiratory irritation

Want to know more about Medtrica?

We’ve got all your questions answered in our FAQ section and if they’re not, reach out to us!
